Art Exhibit at Cistercian
All are welcome to an exhibit featuring works by Fr. Raphael, Fr. Lawrence, & Fr. Ignatius at the Abbey Guesthouse, 3500 Cistercian Road.
Friday, Dec. 1, 1:00-5:00pm
Saturday, Dec. 2, 1:00-5:00pm
Sunday, Dec. 3, 10am-12pm, 1:00-4:00pm

All Souls Day
In the month of November, the faithful are reminded in a special way to pray for the dead. The bonds of charity do not end when passing from this life to the next, and just as the blessed in heaven delight in praying for those of us still on earth, so we should delight in praying for those undergoing their final purification in purgatory. Prayer for the dead has a particular place in the Cistercian Order, and an All Souls Day Mass will be offered on November 2nd at 7:30pm.
The program has been printed, but names may be submitted via the link on the homepage to be included in the intentions for the All Souls Day Mass (submissions end November 2nd).
Course for Cistercian Superiors
September 21-26, Abbot Peter joined Cistercian abbots and abbesses from around the world, at the Cistercian General House in Rome for ongoing formation. In addition to sharing prayer and meals, superiors heard and discussed presentations by Br. John Mark Falkenhain OSB of St. Meinrad’s Archabbey and Professor Marianne Schlosser of the University of Vienna. Both Br. John Mark and Professor Schlosser presented on the topic of Obedience and Authority, Br. John Mark from a more psychological perspective and Dr. Schlosser from the perspective of the Catholic tradition. Sunday the superiors took an all-day pilgrimage, an outing to Subiaco, where St. Benedict lived as a hermit before establishing his monastic communities.
Both Br. John Mark and Professor Schlosser emphasized the need for superiors to be deeply obedient themselves before asking obedience of others, the need to remember that all true authority is based on virtue, and that the exercise of obedience should lead us to conversion.

Two new novices
Wonderful news to share… Please welcome two new novices to the Abbey: Br. Kolbe and Br. Nathaniel!
During First Vespers for the Solemnity of St. Bernard our two postulants received their new names and monastic “habits” (the clothing they wear as monks).
The ceremony is an “in house” one, but we invited some special guests: the two Hungarian exchange students from our Cistercian schools in Hungary and some of their hosts in our senior class at the prep school.
May God bless these new brothers in their discernment. May they always follow his will and remain united to Jesus. And may we in the Abbey support them as God desires, and grow in our own vocations, so that, preferring nothing whatsoever to Christ, he may bring us all to everlasting life.

Restoration of St. Bernard Statue
We are very grateful to Michael van Enter and his team from van Enter Studio for doing such a wonderful job restoring our statue of St. Bernard, which was originally created by a monk over fifty years ago. Thank you! It is a beautiful piece of artwork, and visitors can once again see the saint holding the Cross in adoration.

Nuns from Boulaur
Mère Emmanuelle and Souer Diane, from the Cistercian Abbey Our Lady of Boulaur in France, enjoy the Texas hospitality. The nuns visited Our Lady of Dallas for a week to develop the relationship between the two monasteries and to speak at the Abbot’s Circle Dinner on April 26, 2023. During their stay they toured Fort Worth and Dallas, and shared much about the history of their monastery, its renewal and exciting life today, as well as about one of their saintly inspirations, Servant of God Claire de Castelbajac.
Easter Vigil 2023

Ordination and First Mass of Fr Christopher
This weekend we were blessed to celebrate the ordination and first mass of our very own Fr. Christopher Kalan, the “handy monk” of the monastery. Many thanks to Bishop Burns for his presence and homily (and for giving us Fr. Christopher’s new nickname – “spiritual gunslinger”).
Enjoy the photos, especially the one with Fr. Christopher’s mother. There is a beautiful tradition in which the newly ordained priest gives his mother the purificator used to wipe his hands after they’ve been consecrated during the rite with oil. When she passes away, she is buried with the purificator in her hands, testifying to her role in bringing into this world someone to share in the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
Let us pray for vocations to our monastery and to the Church everywhere.

Ordination of Br. Christopher and First Mass
With thanksgiving to Almighty God, The Most Rev. Edward J. Burns Bishop of Dallas will ordain to the priesthood Br. Christopher Kalan, O.Cist. during the celebration of the Holy Mass in the Abbey Church
Saturday, February 11, 2023
10:30 a.m.
With joy to Almighty God, the Monks of Our Lady of Dallas cordially invite you to attend the first Mass of Fr. Christopher Kalan, O.Cist., in the Abbey Church
Sunday, February 12, 2023
9:00 a.m.
Receptions to follow both Masses in the Abbey Courtyard.
On February 10th (8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.), there will be Eucharistic Adoration in the Abbey Church in thanksgiving for Fr. Christopher’s vocation and for future vocations to the abbey. All are invited to come.

Texas Society of Architects Award
Architect Gary Cunningham received the prestigious Texas Architect 25 Year Honor Award for the Abbey Church. The article is available here.
Photo by Jim Reisch